The Homeopathic Remedy Phosphorus (Phos.) is derived from the chemical element phosphorus. It is used for some digestive conditions, but also a range of other common ailments such as coughs, headaches, heavy hair loss and bleeding but is useful for so much more.
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Homeopathic Remedies for "Asthma"
Arsenicum Album
Arsenicum Album (Arsen. Alb.) is a common remedy for both acute and chronic problems. It is found in homeopathic kits for good reason.
The Homeopathic Remedy Ipecac (Ipecacuanha) is a leading remedy for nausea, vomiting, morning sickness, colic and stomach flu. Ipecac also relieves vicious fitful, choking coughs with wheezing, rattling, fast breathing.
Kali Carbonicum
The uses for the homeopathic remedy Kali Carbonicum are quite diverse and you may find this remedy helpful in a number of situations.