Cimicifuga Racemosa
The Homeopathic Remedy Cimicifuga Racemosa is useful in the treatment of menstrual symptoms such as congestion in the head preceeding menstruation and heaviness and cramps in the lower back during menstruation. It is also a common remedy for ailments associated with pregnancy such as post-partum depression, early miscarriage morning sickness, sleeplessness, and sharp pains in uterus. Cimicifuga racemosa also aids symptoms of menopause as well as headaches stemming from neck stiffness. It is also used for emotional symptoms such as sighing, sadness, anxiety, and irritability.
Cimicifuga is commonly used for:
Menstrual Problems:
Cimicifuga is from the herb Black Cohosh known for helping with painful menstruation, muscle cramps, and PMS. Cimicifuga Racemosa is useful in the treatment of menstrual symptoms such as congestion in the head preceeding menstruation and heaviness and cramps in the lower back during menstruation.
Pregnancy & Labour:
Cimicifuga Racemosa is an important pregnancy remedy taken during the last 6 weeks to lessen time in labor. It can be used during labor to help with mood swings and irrational emotions. Cimicifuga Racemosa helps with uncomfortable labor such as chills with shuddering, back labor, and is used for the last stage of labor for retained placenta, erratic contractions and erratic emotions.
Cimicifuga Racemosa is also helpful for afterpains with low pelvic pain, postpartum blues, hormonal imbalance and irratic emotions.
Cimicifuga Racemosa is a natural estrogen balancer and helps with various female difficulties. Cimicifuga Racemosa is useful for menopausal complaints and is known to relieve hot flashes.
Cimicifuga’s Personality Profile:
Cimicifuga tends to work best as a homeopathic remedy for women. It is best for those who suffer from rather extreme mood swings and who may tend to become easily overexcited. They are often very intense in nature and their physical symptoms may often mirror their emotional symptoms.
Cimicifuga’s Materia Medica:
Mental: Sensation of a cloud enveloping her. Great depression, with dream of impending evil. Fears riding in a closed carriage, of being obliged to jump out. Incessant talking. Visions of rats, mice, etc. Delirium tremens; tries to injure himself. Mania following disappearance of neuralgia.
Head: Wild feeling in brain. Shooting and throbbing pains in head after mental worry, over-study, or reflex of uterine disease. Waving sensation or opening and shutting sensation in brain. Brain feels too large. Pressing-outward pain. Tinnitus. Ears sensitive to least noise.
Eyes: Asthenopia associated with pelvic trouble. Deepseated throbbing and shooting pains in eyes, with photophobia from artificial light. Intense aching of eyeball. Pain from eyes to top of head.
Stomach: Nausea and vomiting caused by pressure on spine and cervical region. Sinking in epigastrium (Sep; Sulph). Gnawing pain. Tongue pointed and trembling.
Female: Amenorrhœa (use Macrotin preferably). Pain in ovarian region; shoots upward and down anterior surface of thighs. Pain immediately before menses. Menses profuse, dark, coagulated, offensive with backache, nervousness; always irregular. Ovarian neuralgia. Pain across pelvis, from hip to hip. After-pains, with great sensitiveness and intolerance to pain. Infra-mammary pains worse, left side. Facial blemishes in young women.
Respiratory: Tickling in throat. Dry, short cough, worse speaking and at night. Cough when secretion is scanty-spasmodic, dry with muscular soreness and nervous irritation.
Heart: Irregular, slow, trembling pulse. Tremulous action. Angina pectoris. Numbness of left arm; feels as if bound to side. Heart’s action ceases suddenly, impending suffocation. Left-sided infra-mammary pain.
Back: Spine very sensitive, especially upper part. Stiffness and contraction in neck and back. Intercostal rheumatism. Rheumatic pains in muscles of back and neck. Pain in lumbar and sacral region, down thighs, and through hips. Crick in back.
Extremities: Uneasy, restless feeling in limbs. Aching in limbs and muscular soreness. Rheumatism affecting the belly of muscles, especially large muscles. Choreic movements, accompanied by rheumatism. Jerking of limbs. Stiffness in tendo-Achilles. Heaviness in lower extremities. Heavy, aching, tensive pain.
Sleep: Sleeplessness. Brain irritation of children during dentition.
Skin: Locally and internally for ivy poisoning.