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The Healing Power of Honey


Honey has been shown in various studies to be an extremely effective burn treatment. It has various antibacterial compounds that have yet to result in bacterial resistance, and its moist nature helps keep burned skin supple and reduces moisture loss. If you use honey to treat minor burns, simply spread honey over the burn and cover lightly with gauze. Honey does not need to be refrigerated, but it feels good on a burn if it’s chilled.

Please Note: Professional homeopaths do not generally prescribe remedies to treat symptoms individually, as the symptoms are considered to be only the outward sign that your vital force is struggling to overcome disease. Instead a remedy is prescribed for the whole person. Accurate prescribing is essential to the success of homeopathy.
The content provided within is for educational purposes only and should not be used to prescribe, diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness. does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of the remedies listed. Always consult with your doctor or medical professional with any questions you have regarding health concerns.